2019-Mar-23 IconLover 5.48
Improved: Support for Mac OS icons
Improved: Support for 64-bit DLL and EXE files
2018-Sep-17 IconLover 5.47
Fixed: Problems with antivirus software
2017-Jan-20 IconLover 5.46
Added: Portable mode
2016-Jul-28 IconLover 5.45
Improved: Ability to import PNG8 images with alpha channel
Added: Ability to import icons from 64-bit DLLs
2016-Jul-23 IconLover 5.44
Fixed: Bugs in resizing methods
Fixed: Bugs within XBM export
2016-Jan-28 IconLover 5.43
Fixed: Minor bugs
2015-May-14 IconLover 5.42
Added: Ability to set parameters for "Disabled Image" effect
2015-May-06 IconLover 5.41
Added: Ability to create 768x768 icons for Windows 10
Added: Support for PNG-encoded 1024x1024 Mac OS X icons
Added: Full current file path in a program title
2015-Apr-06 IconLover 5.40
Added: Ability to export base64 PNG images to clipboard
2014-Oct-30 IconLover 5.39
Fixed: Minor bugs with layers
2013-Dec-16 IconLover 5.38
Fixed: Problems with Windows UAC
2013-Oct-29 IconLover 5.37
Added: Ability to extract icons from Android APK files
Added: Merging, overlaying, subtracting image operations
Added: Mask functions
Added: Center lines in the edit area
Modified: Crop function is added into toolbars
2013-Oct-07 IconLover 5.36
Added: Support for SVG, AI, PDF
Added: Support for 1024x1024 Mac OS X icons
Added: Android icon formats
Added: iOS 7 icon formats
Added: Ability to open files in a single instance
Added: "Close All Files" function
2013-Jun-21 IconLover 5.35
Added: Inner Shadow effect
2013-Feb-15 IconLover 5.34
Added: Ability to export icon captions for icon collections
2012-Dec-19 IconLover 5.33
Improved: Compatibility with Windows 8
2012-Sep-26 IconLover 5.32
Added: Round Corners effect
2012-Jul-09 IconLover 5.31
Updated: Splash screen
2011-Dec-06 IconLover 5.30
Changed: Registration system
2011-Nov-11 IconLover 5.20
Added: Canvas size operation for icon libraries
Added: Opacity Inversion effect
Added: Monochrome effects
2011-Jun-03 IconLover 5.18
Added: Ability to export 24-bit bitmaps and other formats for development tools
2011-Feb-15 IconLover 5.17
Updated: Icon download database
2010-Nov-12 IconLover 5.16
Improved: Image test function
Improved: Support for large ICNS icons
2010-Jun-29 IconLover 5.15
Updated: File association (shell integration)
2010-May-03 IconLover 5.14
Updated: Icon download database
2010-Apr-20 IconLover 5.13
Modified: "Save as" button is added into the program toolbar
2010-Mar-03 IconLover 5.12
Added: Compatibility with 64-bit Windows
2010-Feb-15 IconLover 5.11
Added: Ability to import images from folder with subfolders
2009-Dec-10 IconLover 5.10
Added: Ability to save icons in ICNS format for Mac OS
2009-Aug-17 IconLover 5.0
Added: Windows 7 support
Added: Aqua effect
Added: Ability to combining multiple images into a single icon
Added: Ability to change background color in a library mode
2009-Feb-19 IconLover 4.27
Added: Ability to print icons with grid
Fixed: Some bugs with icon search
2008-Nov-04 IconLover 4.26
Added: Ability to import Mac icons into icon libraries
2008-Sep-23 IconLover 4.25
Added: Ability to work with large images inside imagelists
2008-Sep-01 IconLover 4.24
Added: New icon samples
2008-May-26 IconLover 4.23
Added: Hot and Circle Mask effects
2008-Feb-26 IconLover 4.22
Improved: Print fucntions, undo opeartions
2008-Jan-24 IconLover 4.21
Added: Small bugs
2007-Nov-22 IconLover 4.2
Added: Ability to export 32-bit ICL files
2007-Oct-02 IconLover 4.18
Added: Ability to open 16-bit ICL files under Windows Vista
2007-Jun-19 IconLover 4.17
Added: Small bugs
2007-Feb-05 IconLover 4.16
Added: Ability to append icon resolution information into exported file names
2007-Jan-18 IconLover 4.15
Added: Feedback and Ready Icons options
2006-Oct-23 IconLover 4.13
Added: Customizable grid
Added: Feedback form
Added: Support for large WBMP and CMYK-coded JPEG images
2006-Aug-25 IconLover 4.12
Added: Ability to edit semi-transparent TGA images
2006-Aug-07 IconLover 4.11
Added: Ability to import animated GIF images
2006-Mar-29 IconLover 4.10
Added: Ability to export TGA images
Added: Unicode support
2005-Nov-28 IconLover 4.0
Added: Support for Windows Vista (PNG packed) icons
Added: Ability to draw smooth shapes
Added: Ability to print images
Added: New effects
Modified: Color palette
2005-Oct-29 IconLover 3.01
Added: Ability to copy and paste colors from the clipboard
2005-Jun-20 IconLover 3.0
Added: Realtime preview for icon editor
Added: Ability to create stylish icons from existing images
Added: Downloading icons from the Internet locations
Added: Support for zip and rar archives
Added: Support for Borland resource files (.dcr, .res)
Added: Support for cursor libraries
Added: Support for PCX and TIFF image formats
2005-May-31 IconLover 2.16
Improved: Working with palettes
Added: Ability to import TIFF images
Added: Ability to dither images to 16 colors
2005-Mar-29 IconLover 2.15
Added: Ability to import Mac (Apple) icons from .icns and .rsrc files
Added: Ability to export masks for image lists
2005-Jan-29 IconLover 2.14
Added: Crop function
Added: Export of layer images
2004-Oct-04 IconLover 2.12
Added: Hue/Saturation effect
Added: Color replacement
Added: Custom hotkey configuration
2004-Oct-25 IconLover 2.10
Added: Smooth image resampling
Added: Ability to import TGA images
Added: Ability to customize default Windows icons
2004-Sep-12 IconLover 2.01
Added: Ability to show perspective grid for Windows XP icons
Fixed: Layer mode errors
2004-Aug-09 IconLover 2.0
Added: Ability to edit Windows icons and other tiny images
Added: Ability to edit static and animated Windows cursors
Added: Ability to create and store multi-layer images
Added: New special effects including Drop Shadow, Smooth, Negative, Opacity and Colorize
Added: Support for ani, icpr, xpm, xbm, wbmp, psd, gif image formats
Added: Support for ICC icon collection format
Added: Ability to edit image lists
Added: Ability to change icons inside program files
Added: Batch processing of icons inside libraries, e.g. conversion of image formats, adding drop shadow, opacity, smooth, negative, grayscale, colorize, rotate, roll and mirror effects
Added: Tabbed interface
Improved: Images with any sizes can be imported
2004-Mar-24 IconLover 1.15
Modified: Individual icons can not be saved until registration
2004-Mar-08 IconLover 1.14
Added: Window position saving
Fixed: Bug in Icon Properties dialog
2004-Jan-20 IconLover 1.13
Added: Export to PNG format
2003-Sep-14 IconLover 1.12
Improved: Images with any sizes can be imported
Fixed: Problem with opening files from command line
2002-Aug-24 IconLover 1.11
Fixed: Problem with changing the folder icons
2002-Jul-25 IconLover 1.10
Improved: Help system
2002-May-06 IconLover 1.00
Copyright © 2000-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
IconLover is our pick. It allows you to design and edit all kinds of graphics required in the software development cycle, including icons, static and animated cursors and interface elements - all these graphics can now be designed in a single application.
Business Icon Set will make your software and web products look more modern and attractive. File formats included into the set are Windows icons, GIF and PNG images.
ArtIcons Pro is an advanced icon-specific utility for Windows. It supports ICO, BMP, PNG, GIF, PSD, XPM, XBM, WBMP, CUR and ANI image formats and allows you to manage icon libraries.
ArtCursors allows you to find, create, edit, import and export cursors and manage cursor libraries. It supports static and animated cursors.
Any to Icon converts icons and cursors into BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, ICO, CUR and other formats. This wizard can find icons and make images for use on Web pages.