How can I change the mouse pointer on a Web page?
The cursor is defined through an HTML style, so it can be applied to any element on a page that accepts HTML style definitions. You must upload the cursor file(s) to your web site. The style is then defined by referring to the cursor's path and filename. The style definition would be something like:
style="cursor: url('cursors/mycursor.cur')"
Note that the cursor path and filename has to be in quotes.
A custom cursor is defined by the "cursor:" style property CSS (cascading style sheets). The easiest
way to change the cursor type is to add a style="cursor: crosshair" property
within an HTML tag. e.g.
<p align="center" style="cursor: crosshair">Text</p>
The following links should change the pointer after being 'moused-over'. These show
a number of built-in cursor styles that you can use:
auto |
crosshair |
default |
pointer |
help |
move |
text |
wait |
nw-resize |
n-resize |
ne-resize |
w-resize |
hand |
e-resize |
sw-resize |
s-resize |
se-resize |
Some of the cursor styles may not work, depending on the browser.
Custom Mouse Pointers
The following HTML code will display a custom cursor:
<p align="center" style="cursor: url('mycursor.cur')">Text</p>
The user agent (i.e. browser) must be able to handle the type of cursor. Some possible
file types that may work are .cur, .csr and .ani files. The above example works in
Internet Explorer for Windows, but not in Netscape or IE 5.0 for Unix.
Applying a Custom Cursor to a Whole Page
To apply a cursor to an entire page, the simplest way is to apply
the style to the body tag: <body style="cursor: url('mycursor.cur')">
Applying a Custom Cursor to a Paragraph
To apply a cursor to a single paragraph, such as this one,
the style can be applied to the paragraph tag itself. For example:
<p style="cursor: url('mycursor.cur.cur')">
Applying a Custom Cursor to a Hyperlink
When the mouse moves over a hyperlink, the cursor will revert to
the standard "hand" style, unless you specify that you want
something different. For example, I have used an animated cursor for
this download link. Download cursor editor. The code for changing the link cursor was:
<a style="cursor: url('mycursor.cur')" href="http://">
Download cursor editor.</a>
Applying a Custom Cursor to an Image
In the same way a custom cursor can be applied to an image (point
at the image below to see this in action):
<img style="cursor: url('mycursor.cur')"

Applying a Custom Cursor to Table Cells
Different cursors can be applied to the cells of a table:
This cell shows the standard cursor. |
This cell shows "Zoom in" cursor. |
This cell shows "Zoom out" cursor. |
This cell shows "Target" cursor. |
Each cell has a different style attribute applied:
<td style="cursor: url('zoomin.cur')
" width="25%" align="center">
This cell shows Zoom in cursor.</td>
Using the <span> Tag
For most other purposes a
custom cursor can be applied by means of the <span> tag. In this
paragraph this method has been used to display a custom cursor
wherever the words "custom cursor" appear. Point at any of the
occurrences of the words "custom cursor" to see the result.
Simply surround the required element with <span> tags as follows:
<span style="cursor: url('zoomin.cur')">your text goes here</span>
Applying Custom Cursors Using Stylesheets
If you use stylesheets, you can define custom cursors as styles.
Here is part of the stylesheet for the for example: