Converting Mac Icons into Windows Format
How can I convert Mac icons into Windows format?
It is believed that on the Internet there are many more 32 bit icons for MAC OS than for Windows. In any case, it is possible to convert Mac icons into *.ico format and use them in Windows. Although there are several pitfalls, and it may take some time and effort. Below, you can find detailed instructions for this procedure.
Download and Extract
Normally on the Internet you will find that Mac icons are archived. There are two types of archives: one has the *.sit extension and the other has a double *.sit.hqt extension. Sometimes, but very rarely, you can also meet the *.sit.sitx extension, but in terms of processing these files do not differ from the former two. To extract files from an archive, you need an archiver working in Windows but compatible with Mac archives. The most well known archiver is Stuffit. You can find it at www.stuffit.com. We recommend you to use Standard Edition 8.0 or above. The download file is quite large (8Mb). Stuffit combines an archiver and an extractor. The extractor is a freeware without any time limitations.
"Stuffit Standard" is a rather demanding program, so we recommend that you follow these steps very carefully:
1. Launch Stuffit Expander.
2. Drag and drop your *.sit archive to Stuffit, or use the File - Open menu to open the archive.
3. Then, within the archive, you need to find and select only the icons themselves; otherwise the program may fail to extract the files. Select the files by keeping Shift or Ctrl pressed. Then select Expand - Extract in the main program menu.
4. In the "Extract Dialog" window click Browse, select the destination folder and press OK. If you followed the procedure correctly, the extracted files will appear in the indicated folder.
5. If the extraction was successful, close Stuffit. The extraction is over, but there is still a lot of work ahead.
Conversion into Windows Format
To continue, you'll need any of the following programs: IconLover, ArtIcons Pro or IconXP, that can all read Macintosh© icons and convert them to Windows© icon format in seconds.
You can work with icns and rsrc icons the same way as with icons of any other format: open via menu, drag-n-drop into the program window and add into icon libraries.
Some mac icons contain only images of size 128x128. In this case, they should be transferred into sub-icons of sizes 16x16, 32x32 and 48x48. This can be done in ArtIcons, IconLover or IconXP programs by using the menu Tools - New Image Format.
After you delete the icons in the unwanted formats (eg., monochrome icons) and save the icons you need with .ico extension.
Icons Extraction from *.sit.hqx Archives
Here we will need one more program, TurboZIP (version 5.0 or above).
Launch the program, click "Open" button at the program panel and select *.hqx as the "File Type".
Then you will see *.sit.hqx file in the left window, and *.sit file in the right one. Simply drag and drop it where you need, for example, to your desktop. After you can process the *.sit file using the same procedure that we described above. The only drawback of the program is its unstable functioning.
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IconLover is our pick. It allows you to design and edit all kinds of graphics required in the software development cycle, including icons, static and animated cursors and interface elements - all these graphics can now be designed in a single application.
Toolbar Icon Set. A collection of practical and eye catching Windows icons representing all basic operations required for software development.
Business Icon Set will make your software and web products look more modern and attractive. File formats included into the set are Windows icons, GIF and PNG images.
ArtIcons Pro is an advanced icon-specific utility for Windows. It supports ICO, BMP, PNG, GIF, PSD, XPM, XBM, WBMP, CUR and ANI image formats and allows you to manage icon libraries.
Any to Icon converts icons and cursors into BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, ICO, CUR and other formats. This wizard can find icons and make images for use on Web pages.